My Works

Keeper , Visual Novel Game, 2020

Keeper is a visual novel game about connection and relationships. In the world we currently live in, we are very separate and kept apart by uncontrolled forces. Keeper creates those links we may be missing by immersing the player into a fantasy world of intrigue and mystery. The three patrons you will meet in as the Barkeep of the Dancing Dragon Inn will come to you for companionship as well as alcohol. What you choose will affect the ending of each character's story. What will you choose?

Click here to play the game in browser.

Escape the Night , The Game Crafter, 2019

A Player vs. Player board game. You and another player have been kidnapped a placed into an arena against your will to fight for your lives. The arena is dark and thick with forest trees. There is a mechanical monster circling the area who has a taste for blood and you have a lot to spare.. However, there is a way to escape and a very specific way to do it. You must collect materials to light a fire as well as climb the cliffs surrounding the only clearing in the arena, and a helicopter will come to rescue you. Will you escape?   

Click here to play the game.

Grand Bow of Idrasil, Video and Fusion 360 Model, 2019

"The Alita are a tribe of people who are revered for their ranger abilities and their connection to nature. They are a hunter society that worships the Wilds and the gods that inhabit them. At the center of their culture is a Goddess that they call the Huntress, or the Matron of the Wilds. The landscape was barren and bleak and terrorized by the Elder Beast, a beast of massive size and terror, until the Huntress brought the sapling of the Everheart. The Sapling bloomed and billowed into a tree of massive scale and brought life and natures abundance to the landscape as well as the people together. Then the Huntress took a branch from the Everheart and crafted the bow she named Idrasil to defeat the Elder Beast and bring peace to the landscape. After the battle the Huntress gifted the bow to the most wise and powerful among the people and gifted them Idrasil as a show of their status as leader. The bow is now only used in ceremonies for every new leader to prove their strength among the Wilds before taking power."

This project was to create a 3D printed object that had some signifigance like an ancient artifact. It was modeled with Fusion 360 and and painted.

Transmissions, Video, 2018

"My life is romanticized by the music in my ears as I walk the city streets. Everything hits a beat and these are the music transmissions that infiltrate my sleep"

This project is a collection of videos I took at home, on campus and across the city. The "transmission" is how my brain flips through memories and thoughts while I listen to music. I synchronized the clicking in the music to the change in images or blackness as if to flip back and forth between the transmissions.

Entity , Video, 2020

"There is someone among us. What is it that they want?"

This is a short horror/psycological narrative project that I did for my advanced video class. We had to put togther a meaningful short in a given timespan. This was shot and edited in a weekend.

Magic, Blender 3D Model, 2019

"The ancients fortold of a famed spellsword that changed the fates of the continent. These were his wepaons of choice."

My first high quality 3D render project. We made a still life image with appropriate area and reflective lighting, dynamic textures with bump maps, and well composed camera positions.

Repitition: a Story of Isolation , Video, 2020

This whole thing will be behind us. Eventually.

My final project for advanced video. This project is a more dramatized and succint version of what Quarantine was like form March 2020 to May 2020.I was alone for most of it and my days really started to look the same. But as a social person I was missing something. This project is a reflection of that feeling of being isolated from others.
